Post Graduation
Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and record of his/ her participation in the training programme conducted by the department such as journal reviews, seminars, etc. Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate.
Distribution of Topics in theory papers in various branches of study
- Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
- - Applied Anatomy, physiology, pathology and Dental Materials
- -Removable Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology
- - Fixed Prosthodontics
- - Essay
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- - Applied Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
- -Minor oral Surgery and Trauma
- - Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology
- - Essay
- Public Health Dentistry
- -Applied anatomy, physiology, pathology & research methodology
- -Public Health
- - Dental Public Health
- - Essay
- Conservative and Endodontics
- - Applied Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and dental materials
- - Conservative dentistry 8s Aesthetic Dentistry
- - Endodontics
- - Essay
- Periodontology
- - Applied Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and pharmacology
- -Etiopathogenesis
- - Clinical Periodontology and Oral Implantology
- - Essay
- Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
- - Applied anatomy, physiology, pathology, genetics physical anthropology & dental material
- - Diagnosis and treatment planning.
- - Clinical Orthodontics and Mechanotherapy
- - Essay
- Oral Pathology & Microbiology and Forensic Odontology
- - Applied Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Research Methodology
- - Oral pathology, Microbiology and Oncology
- - Laboratory Techniques and Diagnosis
- - Essay
- Oral Medicine and Radiology
- -Applied anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology.
- -Diagnosis, diagnostic methods and implantology and Applied Oral Pathology
- -Oral medicine, there-entice and laboratory investigations
- - Essay
- Pediatrics & Preventive Dentistry
- -Applied Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Microbiology, Nutrition and Dietics
- -Clinical pediatric dentistry
- -Preventive and community dentistry as applied to pediatric dentistry
- - Essay
Post Graduation
Monitoring Progress of Studies

Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and record of his/ her participation in the training programme conducted by the department such as journal reviews, seminars, etc. Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate. The work diary shall be scrutinized and certified by the Head of the Department and Head of the Institution, and presented in the university practical/clinical examination.
In case of degree courses of three years duration, the concerned departments may conduct three tests, two of them be annual tests, one at the end of first year and the other in the second year. The third test may be held three months before the final examination. The tests may include written papers, practical / clinical and viva voce. Records and marks obtained in such tests will be maintained by the Head of the Department and sent to the University, when called for.

Records and marks obtained in tests will be maintained by the Head of the Department and will be made available to the University when called for.
Every candidate pursuing MDS degree course is required to carry out work on a selected research project under the guidance of a recognized post graduate teacher. The results of such a work shall be submitted in the form of a dissertation.
The dissertation is aimed to train a postgraduate student in research methods and techniques. It includes identification of a problem, formulation of a hypothesis, search and review of literature, getting acquainted with recent advances, designing of a research study, collection of data, critical analysis, comparison of results and drawing conclusions.
Every candidate shall submit to the Registrar of the University in the prescribed proforma, a synopsis containing particulars of proposed dissertation work within six months from the date of commencement of the course on or before the dates notified by the University. The synopsis shall be sent through the proper channel.
Such synopsis will be reviewed and the dissertation topic will be registered by the University. No change in the dissertation topic or guide shall be made without prior approval of the University.
Scheme of Examination
The following requirements shall be fulfilled by every candidate to eligible to appear for the final examination.
i) Attendance
Every candidate shall have fulfilled the attendance prescribed by the University during each academic year of the postgraduate course.
Every candidate shall have not less than 80 percent of attendance in each year of course. However, candidates should not be absent continuously as the course is a full time one.
ii)Progress and conduct
Every candidate shall have participated in seminars, review meetings, symposia, conferences, case presentations, clinics and didactic during each year as designed by the concerned department
iii)Work diary and Logbook
Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and logbook for recording his/her participation in the training programmes conducted by the department. The work diary and logbook shall be verified and certified by the Head of the Department and Head of the institution.
The certification of satisfactory progress by the head of the department and head of the institution shall be based on (i), (ii) and (iii) mentioned above.
Schedule of Examination: The examination for M.D.S. courses shall be held at the end of three academic years (six academic terms). The university shall conduct two examinations in a year at an interval of four to six months between the two examinations. Not more than two examinations shall be conducted in an academic year.
University Examination
M.D.S. Degree examinations in any branch of study shall consist of dissertation, written paper (Theory), Practical/Clinical and Viva voce.
Acceptance of dissertation shall be a precondition for the candidate to appear for the final examination.
Written examination shall consist of four question papers each of three hours duration. Total marks for each paper will be 75. Paper I, II and III shall consist of two long questions carrying 20 marks each and 5 short essay questions carrying 7 marks each. The fourth paper will be to write an essay. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers.
In case of practical examination, it should be aimed at assessing competence and skills of techniques and procedures. It should also aim at testing student's ability to make relevant and valid observations, interpretation and inference of laboratory or experimental or clinical work relating to his/her subject for undertaking independent work as a specialist.
Viva-Voce examination shall aim at assessing depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, confidence and oral communication skills. The total marks shall be 100 and the distribution of marks shall be as under:
(i) For examination of all components of syllabus 80 Marks
(ii) For (Pedagogy) demonstration of teaching skills 20 Marks
There shall be at least four examiners in each branch of study. Out of four, two shall be external examiners and two shall be internal examiners. The qualification and teaching experience for appointment as an examiner shall be as laid down by RGUHS and Dental Council of India from time to time.
To pass in the University examination, a candidate shall secure in both theory examination and the practical/clinical including viva voce independently an aggregate of 50% of total marks allotted (150 marks out of 300 allotted for theory and 150 out of 200 for clinical + 100 foi viva voce together). A candidate securing less mark as described above shall be declared to have failed in the examination.
A candidate who is declared successful in the MDS Examination shall be granted a Degree of Master of Dental Surgery in the respective specialty
Course Description Of Various Specialities
Post Doctoral Fellowship In Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate
The trainee should acquire detailed knowledge pertaining to the cases of cleft lip & palate anomaly or other developmental craniofacial deformity. Complete knowledge of all aspects of the management of this complex deformity including the concept of team management with interaction between associate specialties like orthodontics pediatric dentistry, speech therapy, ENT, etc.
The trainee should, at the end of year, be able to provide seamless care in all aspects of cleft lip & palate surgery from birth till adulthood. The specific surgical skills required are:
- Primary cleft lip repair
- Primary cleft palate repair
- Secondary alveolar bone grafting
- Pharyngoplasty
- Secondary lip repair
- Orthognathic Surgery including Le Fort I osteotomy, mandibular osteotomy and any other skeletal surgery as may be required
- Distraction osteogenesi.
- Rhinoplasty
- Other surgical skills required in the management of more extensive facial deformities
- Flexible fiberoptic nesenboscopy to evalua velo- pharyngeal function
- Evaluation of CT scan angiogram, MRI etc, as required
Procedural and operative skills
Graded responsibility in care of patients and operative work (Structured training schedule): a structured programme will be enforced to introduce the trainee to the evaluation and management of cleft lip & palate deformities
The recognized cleft center must be performing not less than 200 surgical procedures in the area of cleft lip & palate surgeries per annum in order to be able to provide sufficient training material for the fellowship candidate.
Each fellow at the end of 1 year should have carried out at least 50 cases under the supervision of a senior specialist on all aspects of cleft surgery.
The candidates applying for fellowship should have successfully completed either of the following:
1. MDS in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery in DCI approved program.
2. DNB in Maxillofacial Surgery recognized by the DCI
3. Passed FDSRCS from the Royal College OF Surgeons of England, Glasgow or Edinburgh.
4. Passed FFDRCSI from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.
a) Journal reviewed meetings: One session every two weeks.
b) Seminars : One session every two weeks
c) Clinico pathological conferences : Not essential
d) Inter departmental meetings: One multi- disciplinary cleft team meeting a week to discuss management protocols for specific cases (co re specialist required are maxillofacial surgeon, orthodontist, plastic surgeons and speech therapists. Other specialist who form second tier are pedodontis, ENT, dentist, social worker, psychologist, pediatrician,etc
e) Community work – camos/ field visits: It is important to improve awareness amongst the local population about the etiology, prevention and management of cleft deformities. The trainee shall learn to organize camps in various districts surrounding the cleft center. Follow up field visits are also essential
f) Clinical rounds: Daily two rounds shall be held, at least one of which will be led by the consultant.
g) Any other: Trainees will be encouraged to publish papers in peer reviewed journals.
There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks. Clinical examination would also be for 100 marks and viva voce would be for 50 marks/. A candidate has to score a minimum of 50% for passing the examination.
a) Written: One clinical paper covering cleft lip & palate management.
b) Clinical examination: 2 case presentations with discussion on diagnoses, treatment plan and management.
c) Viva-voce-1 viva of 1 hour duration can be held to complement the written and clinical examination.
Examiners: 3–One internal
Two externals
Appointed by the university.
Post Doctoral Fellowship In Aeshetic Facial Surgery
There should be a rigorous 12 month training period. The syllabus will include- Fmbryology of the head
- Human Anatomy and particularly head and neck
- General principles of cosmetic facial surgeries
- Pediatric cosmetic facial surgeries
- Maxillofacial contour deformities – Orthognathic surgeries
- Maxillary advancement and segmental osteotomy
- Le Fort I impaction and inferior repositioning
- Mnadibular advancement and setback surgeries
- Genioplasty
- Zygomatic osteotomies
- Facial asymmetry
- Nasal saddle deformity
- Alloplastic onlays( Silastic, Proplast)
- Facial Sculpturing
- Distractlion Osteognesis
- External ear deformities
- Congenital absence of auricle
- Congenital absence of ear lobe
- Macrotia
- Microtia
- Maxillofacial lipomatosis
- Eyelid deformities
- Ptosis of eyelids
- Blepharoplastics
- Dermatochalasis
- Ectropion
- Rhinoplasty
- Cervicofacial soft tissue redundancy
- Rhytidectomy
- Endoscopic assisted facelift procedures - Forehead and Brow deformities
- Internal brow pexy/ Plasty
- Subperiostieal/ subgaleal/ subcutaneous
- Coronal
- Cutaneous tissue deformities
- Dermabrasion
- Chemical peel
- Scar revisions and excision of benign lesions
- Topical retinoic acid
- Laser resurfacing
- Botulinum injections
- Prosthetic rehabilitation of the face
- Unordered list
- Default style
- No class needed for this
- Just plain ul and li tags
- Here goes a nested unordered list
- This is slightly inside
- of the main list
- This have a different style of bullets
- Can be styled from style.css
- Some closing list items
- Some closing list items
- Some closing list items
The candidates applying for fellowship should have successfully completed either of the following:
1. MDS in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in DCI approved program.
2. DNB in Maxillofacial Surgery recognized by the DCI.
3. Passed FDSRCS from Royal College of Surgeons of England, Glasgow or Edinburgh.
4. Passed ffdrcsi from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.
1. Journal Review : Minimum of 5 journal reviews by each candidate.
2. Seminars: Minimum 5 seminars by each candidate.
3. Participation: Minimum 2 conferences or inter departmental meetings to enhance knowledge of Prosthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & orthodintics.
4. Clinical Discussion: All the clinical cases require clinical discussion which may be brief or long.
5. Ward rounds and on- hands teaching in the operation theater.
6. The fellows should be encouraged to undertake epidemiological and clinical research programs on selected topics.
7. Other Activity: Basic computer training & photography.
There shall be an examination at the end of one calendar year which includes theory, practicals, evaluation of library dissertation and viva- voce
There shall be one theory Paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks. A candidate has to score a minimum of 50% in each subject (theory and practicals) for passing the examination.
a) Written: One clinical paper covering cleft lip & palate management
b) Clinical examination: 2 case presentation with discussion on diagnosis treatment plan and management.
c) Viva-voce-1 viva 1 hour duration can be held to complement the written and clinical examination.
- PaperTheory
Certificate Course In Implantology
Minimum of 5 journal reviews by each candidate.
Minimum 5 seminars by each candidate
Minimum 2 conferences or inter departmental meetings to enhance knowledge of Prosthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics and Radiology.
All the clinical cases require clinical cases require clinical discussion which may be brief or long.
Basic computer training & photography.
Each candidate should place a minimum of 10 implants inclusive of one in each of the following situations.
1. Edentulous mandible
2. Edentulous maxilla
3. Single tooth replacement
4. Distal extension
- Practicals/Viva Voce100
- Didactic lectures100hours
- Seminars100hours
- Clinics300hours
- 100hours